BayesSpace 1.1.3

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Added information to documentation.
  • getRDS() updated with new URL.

BayesSpace 1.1.2

Minor improvements and fixes

  • clusterPlot() accepts character vectors and factors as arguments to label.

BayesSpace 1.1.1

Minor improvements and fixes

BayesSpace 1.1.0

New Bioconductor devel (3.13)

  • Version numbering change with Bioconductor version bump

BayesSpace 0.99.8

Minor improvements and fixes

BayesSpace 0.99.7

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Documentation examples now use fewer iterations in order to reduce the runtime of R CMD check.
  • In qTune(), the min_rep and max_rep parameters have been replaced with and nrep, respectively, to be consistent with spatialCluster().

BayesSpace 0.99.6

New features

  • getRDS() gains a cache parameter. When TRUE, the RDS is cached locally using BiocFileCache.

Minor improvements and fixes

BayesSpace 0.99.5

Minor improvements and fixes

BayesSpace 0.99.4

New features

  • enhanceFeatures() now takes an nrounds parameter that corresponds to the same parameter in xgboost. If nrounds is set to 0, we automatically tune the parameter using a train/test split for improved feature prediction.
  • spatialCluster() and spatialEnhance() both gain a parameter specifying the number of MCMC iterations to exclude when aggregating cluster labels and enhanced PCs.
  • In clusterPlot(), label now accepts factors and vectors of strings, in addition to numeric vectors or a column name in colData.
  • Additional vignettes provided for reproducing the analyses of the melanoma, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and squamous cell carcinoma datasets presented in the bioRxiv manuscript.

Minor improvements and fixes

  • The internal layout of subspots is now correctly oriented (accounting for vertical flip of spot coordinates) when using spatial plot functions on enhanced Visium data.
  • In spatialEnhance(), PCs are now averaged over the MCMC iterations (excluding the burn-in period).
  • In enhanceFeatures(), negative expression is now clipped to 0.
  • spatialPreprocess() now adds a boolean is.HVG column to rowData.
  • In featurePlot(), additional arguments to geom_polygon() are correctly passed through.

BayesSpace 0.99.3

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Updated to include system requirements, additional installation details, and link to vignette with demonstration of package functions, per journal guidelines.

BayesSpace 0.99.2

Minor improvements and fixes

  • spatialEnhance() incorrectly added row offset to spot column coordinate when generating subspot colData, and vice versa. This resulted in subspots being reflected over y=x in spatial plots, and has been fixed.
  • Figures in the demonstration vignette have been updated with this fix.

BayesSpace 0.99.1

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Removed Maintainer field from DESCRIPTION to adhere to Bioconductor guidelines.

BayesSpace 0.99.0

New features

  • Initial Bioconductor submission